Our network of water and waste specialists can ensure a smooth operation anywhere in Australia. Desert City can ensure your project is compliant to any environmental requirements that your project might have. 

Other Services

Our services are available across Australia and can be scaled up and down to suit your project. Our focus is on providing locally sourced produce and serviced by local people (if we can) so we can truly add back to the communities that we operate in. 


We are focused on using your infrastructure or finding the best solution for your project and this could come from a raft of camp suppliers depending on the project.


Our catering and camps management is built on years of experience across multiple sectors. Our food is contemporary, we encourage our chefs to use their flair and experience to ensure the customers are satisfied at every meal.


Desert City has a vast network across Australia of accredited suppliers that can ensure our consumables and people are in the right place at the right time every time. 

To Discuss Our Waste & Water Options,
Call Us Today

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